26 February, 2013

Consult Two:  BB and friends

Early Mac Computer
A month ago I got an odd email from BB, my gal pal, titled, “FWD: Consultation.” With this FWD tag we “online wonks” forward on to buddies the news, funnies, aggravations, or enumerated lists on the wonders of WD-40, baking soda, vinegar, egg whites, duct tape, etc.  BB often forwards wits, growls, and wonders to myself and other “Undisclosed Recipients.” This particular forwarded email shared personal items.

Then BB tacked on a consultation query about an Apple computer for another friend. Really BB needed my son Miguel as her consultant, as he is mine for all things Apple.

MBH and I weaned our kids on Macs, with the first  pizza box we bought for homeschooling and records.  20 years ago, My Beloved Hubby borrowed an early SE Mac from work. Then we crunched into a Desktop G3. Next we savored two colorful i-Macs. For conferences and away from home needs, we slipped through the slim wormhole into a galactic feast of juicy, white laptops.

 MacBook Air cool keyboard
Nowadays my fingertips touch keys and slide over a pad of smooth, titanium Macbook Air (which I commend for anyone to use). Around town so many double-thumbed or stylus nimble folks tap on mini-screened smart phones or tablets. But my fingertips were QWERTY keys-trained on the IBM Selectric Typewriter. In this I stand: nine fingers curled to punch a cool keyboard.

Frugal MBH and family cling to smart Bibles and dumb Samsungs. Miguel’s Samsung cell phone is five years old. My Maria uses our old flip phone. Finally, Buddy plays Monkey Mahjong on the desktop. MBH and I own the slide-out dual keyboard mobile phones, web-ready, but at what cost to connect up digitally per month?

How much do you pay per month to link to family or friends you’ve met or have yet to even meet?

Years ago the Once Best Church in the Whole Universe selected BB and I to join their Heart to Heart Friends program. I believe we had to weekly meet face to face or on the phone. BB and I had lots of face time at church, at restaurants, at respective homes.

Now we’re 6000 miles apart. When BB sent me the FWD email, it was like the nifty hug we did whenever we met to talk, to vent, to be assured,. . . to be joyful!

Want to hug like that with a pal? You face one other, you bend at the waist to wrap your arms around your pal’s shoulders, and together wiggle left, right, left to a Latin rhythm.

I know, I know. Those who watch me worship lead, they know. When I meet my Best Friend in music, in wonder, in prayers, I'm freely forgiven, freely linked and freely moving. I just cannot keep... still. Even mountains bow down...
Who is like Him, the Lion and the Lamb seated on the throne? Mountains bow down....

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