02 April, 2012

Sun-day Stories

Red Raspberry stalks
Spring 2011 we praised God for pulling our Deep South out of 20°F temps. This day after April Fools’/Palm Sunday 2012 the sun will push temps to the nineties!  

In our backyard the sun shines a bit more. A few Wednesdays ago Allen’s Tree Service buzzed and towed off two massive Southern white pine trees. One bowed over the fence toward our neighbor’s garage. The second tree to the north of it was also cut down.  The tree man thought it would allow the oaks beneath it to flourish.

My beloved hubby instead pondered a flourishing sunny spot for a fruit garden. So after lunch on April First, we set out for Home Depot. We returned home 3:30 p.m. with young plants budded in berry hopes. MBH was gleeful.

Shopper momma was gleeful... until she went into the kitchen and felt the COLD crock-pot full of pot roast and veggies.  Guests know how I love cooking meals in my digital pot. I only punch one rubber button and to get low, high, warm, or off. 
April Fool! I must have stutter-punched the “OFF” position on that #@)% button.
Blueberry on left said to be sweeter

I almost disabled the garden project as I stormed outside venting to MBH. I thought the meat would be ready after eight o’clock, too late for dinner. MBH said we could refrigerate it for Monday's meal.  I stomped inside to research crock-pot temperatures. Into a preheated 350 °F oven I set the stoneware with meat for its first cooking hour. 

Then I went out to weed the frustration out of my backyard. My beloved had time to plant four berry plants and three split-leaf Philodendrum Xanadu. Don’t be jealous, my northern garden friends. The plants have to survive our amateur caregiving in the tropics.

Phildendrom Xanadu

As for my Crock-pot Pot Roast ...that night we sat down at seven for dinner. So tender was the meat that my other blog shares how a cold meal resurrected on April 1, 2012-- Palm Sunday.

On another Palm Sunday people waved palms branches and yelled, “Save!” before Jesus astride a colt. In a week God's Son Jesus would be buried cold in a stone tomb and warmly resurrect as their Savior, my Savior, YOUR Savior on Easter. Hosanna in the Highest!

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